Welcome to OBVase LLC’s FAQ page! We hope to answer any questions you may have and help you better understand our products and services. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us.

  1. How do I place an order?
    You can browse products by visiting our official website, click “Add to Cart” after selecting the items, and then follow the prompts to check out. You will need to provide a shipping address and payment information.
  2. Can I change or cancel my order?
    If you wish to change or cancel your order, please contact us by email or phone as soon as possible. We will try our best to assist you, but please note that once the order enters the shipping process, we may not be able to make changes or cancellations.
  3. What are the logistics and shipping costs?
    We offer standard shipping options for all orders, and the specific shipping costs will be calculated at checkout. We will send a confirmation email after the order is shipped, including tracking information.
  4. What is the refund policy?
    If there is a problem with your item within 30 days of delivery, you can apply for a refund. The specific refund policy can be found in our website refund policy section for detailed information.
  5. How to deal with damaged or wrong items?
    If you find that the goods are damaged or wrong when you receive them, please contact us immediately by email or phone. Please provide relevant information (such as order number and photos) and we will handle it for you as soon as possible.
  6. How can I get discounts or special offers?
    You can subscribe to the latest discounts, promotions and product releases by signing up for our email newsletter.
    Thank you for your attention and support to OBVase LLC! We look forward to providing you with a perfect shopping experience!
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